Senate Panel Kills Effort to Track English Learner Funding
A push to examine how Virginia funds English language learners (ELLs) in public schools was shut down after the state’s Senate Finance and Appropriations…
Read MoreDeaf Professor Alleges Disability Discrimination in Lawsuit Against Penn State
A Penn State professor who is deaf has filed a disability discrimination lawsuit against the university alleging it violated federal civil rights laws when…
Read MoreNew York Metro Transit Systems Add On-Demand Sign Language Interpreters
The New York Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA) just made it easier for deaf and hard-of-hearing New Yorkers and tourists to communicate with transit staff,…
Read MoreTennessee Bill Would Require English-Only Driver’s License Exams, Prohibit Translation Aids
A proposed bill filed in the Tennessee legislature would require all written driver’s license exams to be offered only in English. State Representative Kip…
Read MoreNew York City Council and New York Immigration Coalition Announce Launch of State’s First Language Access Bank
The New York City Council, along with the New York Immigration Coalition (NYIC) and community partners, announced the launch of New York City’s first…
Read MoreNewsbriefs: February 27, 2025
ATA members keep current with this twice-monthly e-newsletter, providing media coverage relating to their profession from around the world.
Read MoreATA Urges U.S. Government to Reinstate Safe Pathways for Afghan Allies who Served Alongside U.S. Troops as Interpreters and Translators
In response to recent executive actions impacting our fellow interpreters and translators who were allies of the United States in Afghanistan, the American Translators…
Read MoreCommuniquer pour sauver des vies : une table ronde vitale et gratuite concernant les services linguistiques lors d’interventions d’urgence
English | Español | Français | Tiếng Việt Quand : 27 février, 12h00 – 13h30 HNE | Événement virtuel Dans les moments critiques où…
Read MoreComunicación que salva vidas: una mesa redonda gratuita e imprescindible sobre los servicios lingüísticos de respuesta ante emergencias
English | Español | Français | Tiếng Việt Cuándo: 27 de febrero, de 12:00 p. m. a 1:30 p. m. hora del este | Evento virtual En momentos…
Read MoreLifesaving Communication: A Free Vital Roundtable on Emergency Response Language Services
English | Español | Français | Tiếng Việt When: February 27, 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. EST | Virtual Event In critical moments when…
Read MoreTruyền đạt về Cứu sinh: Buổi Tọa đàm Quan trọng Miễn phí về Dịch vụ Ngôn ngữ trong Ứng phó Khẩn cấp
English | Español | Français | Tiếng Việt Thời gian: Ngày 27 tháng 2, 12:00 trưa – 1:30 chiều EST | Sự kiện Trực…
Read MoreVirtual Reality Project Aims to Preserve Cornish
A new project aims to use virtual reality to preserve the Cornish language. Revive, a £2.5m project led by Anglia Ruskin University in the…
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